
Los 7 dolores de María. Durero. Posted by Hello

María Luisa de Jesús, fundadora de la Compañía de María

The way of Mary

"I do not believe," wrote Montfort, "that anyone can acquire intimate union with our Lord and perfect fidelity to the Holy Spirit without a very close union with the most Blessed Virgin and an absolute dependence on her support" (TD 43). That union and dependence Marie Louise practiced in the highest degree.

We do not know when or where she made her Consecration to Jesus through Mary as taught by St. Louis de Montfort but that she did make it we are left in no doubt. In his letters to her, Montfort employs quite naturally and often the term "Slavery." In her exhortations to her Sisters, Marie Louise declares, "Your real Superior is Mary; I am but her servant." Father Besnard writes that he would not speak of her devotion to Mary "were it but the everyday devotion of ordinary Christians" but "she became transformed, lost in Mary." She could only have arrived at that, he adds, "through the example and direction of Montfort." Through Mary, he says, "she acted and spoke, gave commands and gave thanks. Through her she received communion, considering herself unworthy to receive Christ. She offered him Mary’s preparation and through Mary’s thanksgiving she made her own." The life and mysteries of Mary were her daily meditation as she recited her Rosary. It was she who introduced the hourly Hail Mary into the community, and she loved to repeat: "Everything in the house belongs to Mary; for this reason we must spoil nothing and keep everything in order." Confronted with problems, she would turn to Mary: "Good Mother, you only need to make this your business. They are your daughters; take care of them for me."

S. Lepers. Jesus living in Mary. Monftort publications. 1994.

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